Saturday, October 18, 2014

October 18, 2014

I'm not going to do these anymore. For one, they're starting to cause problems in my personal life, and for two I don't really have much right now that I care to talk about. I may write again at some point and I may not, but for now I'm just not feeling like doing much of anything, much less writing some stupid public diary.


Friday, October 17, 2014

October 17, 2014

Kinda not feeling like blogging much. I'll catch y'all up on everything tomorrow, but for now I'd rather just spend time with Gillian while I still can.


Thursday, October 16, 2014

October 16, 2014 - Century Link is Poop

There's actually not a whole lot to talk about today, honestly. That is by NO MEANS to say that today was anything but amazing, but there just isn't a ton to talk about. Gillian had an early release today so I got to pick her up early and we mostly did her homework and I worked on my application to the Harnett County School system. It's 28 pages long!!! I've never seen such a huge application!

At this point I'm about half way done with it and have intentions to finish it after finishing writing this.

Oh! Here's an odd thing that happened today. When we got to my house Gillian (as she often does) wanted to see the neighbor's donkey, Pablo and when we walked over to him we noticed their horse was licking the fence. We went and got Taco Bell an hour or two later and when we came back the horse was STILL licking the exact same spot of the fence. For all I know he's still doing it right now. No idea why. Maybe he's a little bit "speshull"?

We discussed Impulse some, since I've started it a bit more today. At first it was REALLY confusing and kind of hard to read because of the unique writing style, but I'm getting used to it. I actually have some ideas for it, but I'm not going to say anything publicly quite yet. Especially since I have barely started the book. I may change my mind by the end of it. So far Tony is my favorite character. He seems pretty cool. Conner seems like a douche and I don't know much about Vanessa yet. Definitely excited to read more tonight.

I just realized that it's been a while since I've written any songs. I should work on my album soon. I miss songwriting.

Another thing that happened was the Century Link guy came out to try to fix our internet. It worked for a few minutes and then as soon as he left dropped back down so I called his sorry ass back to the house and had him check it out again. He replaced the modem and the internet, although still morbidly slow, is now technically working again. I would give my left kidney to have Charter out here...Century Link is God-awful and should go die in a hole somewhere. Except that it's a corporations and those can't really die in a hole. Well, I mean, I suppose they CAN if they're like bombed or something, but still. The point remains the same. I HATE Century Link.

That's about all I have to say for today. If there is one lesson you should learn from my blog today it should be that Century Link is horrible and that nobody should ever use their service because literally everything about the company is bad. LITERALLY everything.


Wednesday, October 15, 2014

October 15, 2014 - Effective Teacher Certification!!!

I'm just going to pick up where I left off yesterday.

I realized I had eaten a whole pizza in a day and started freaking out about that fact. But then I remembered something. Mom made pie. Delicious, warm, sweet apple pie. I couldn't help myself and despite my anxiety, I got a piece anyway. I went upstairs to my desk where my phone was plugged in, as well as my headphones, and set down the pie on my desk. I realized that I'd need to get something to drink so I went downstairs for some Lemonade and as I got up, I managed to flip the plate of pie completely over, off of the desk onto the floor and it landed exactly as badly is it could have onto my phone (which fell at the same time) and onto my computer power cables. After a good long string of expletives, I went to go clean it up and guess what. No paper towels. I eventually found paper towels downstairs, got another piece of the now almost-gone pie, and cleaned up the mess, letting the dog get the smaller crumbs. She was happy about that.

I finished BSMoR last night and it was perfect. The ending was absolutely incredible and I wish I knew Roger in real life. I think we'd be bros. Through and through it is now in my top 5 favorites and I would recommend it to anyone at all who is not a child. (The book deals with some adult themes and uses a lot of profanity.) Easily 5 out of 5 stars.

I changed my mind about starting Wolf in a White Van immediately after BSMoR. I didn't want to read all of Darnielle's works back to back for fear of somehow growing tired of them. I don't think that would realistically happen, but I figured a break will just add to my excitement and anticipation, so instead I started Impulse by Ellen Hopkins. It's one of Gillian's favorites, so I figured I'd read it. The cover is pretty cool and the writing style is really unique and neat too, so I look forward to reading it.

So today was a really busy day. I woke up late so I had to rush to exercise and shower. Then I headed to my psychology appointment. We did more EMDR stuff, which is still very fascinating to me, and I explored the ending of each thought stream related or linked to my original first experience with needles, so that was neat too. We also talked more about music and religion.

After therapy, I had to get my lesson plan ready so that I could give my lesson today for class. I taught the Cartesian Coordinate System and read them a book on its invention. The lecture went really well and I enjoyed teaching and they seemed to enjoy the lesson too. A few of the women got my number afterwards so that I could tutor their children in math so I'm very much looking forward to that, and the teacher who is a principal at a school down the road told me after class that she'd stay in touch with me because she "want[s] to make sure [I] get a good job in education." I was very very flattered and am so so so excited to start actually working in a classroom environment.

I also dressed up to give my lesson and I don't have the best confidence in the world, but I looked pretty darn good today.

At this point I'm just really really tired. I didn't sleep well last night and I had a long day. It wasn't by any means a bad day, just long, so I'll probably go ahead and sign off. Goodnight everyone!


Tuesday, October 14, 2014

October 14, 2014 - Dancing in the Rain

12 minutes! GAH. I CAN DO THIS.

Today was my first day working out since the wreck. It felt GREAT to be back on a weight machine and eating high protein breakfasts! I can't do many of my lower body workouts still though because my back is still really painful, but I'll get there eventually!

Last night I ALMOST finished BSMoR so I'll likely finish it tonight and then I'll start Wolf in a White Van so YEAH!!!!

I watched The Seed of Chucky last night and was very disappointed. It was pretty boring and the jokes weren't really even funny. So far unfortunately the worst of the series. There's only one more before I have caught up with them, so I'm hoping it'll be good. The sixth is a straight-up horror instead of horror comedy, so I have high hopes.

I got to hang out with Gillian for a while today, which was a lot of fun. We mostly worked on her college application stuff, but any time with her is a good time! At one point it started raining really hard so we went outside and danced in the rain. That's something I think everyone should do at some point in their lives. Dancing in the rain is an amazing feeling and is even better when doing it with someone you love. I ate half of a pizza for lunch and she had some noodles. That's the ONE flaw that this young woman has. She doesn't like pizza. Who on Earth doesn't like pizza?????

While we were working, mom made her famous apple pie so she sent a slice home with Gillian when I had to take her home. When I got back home I had a few more slices of pizza and then realized I had eaten almost a whole pizza.


Monday, October 13, 2014

October 13, 2014 - Moving a Mattress

Okay, so my title is a bit misleading. It wasn't a mattress we were moving. It was a box spring.

There's this group I belong to on Facebook called "Free and for Sale" that is a subgroup from NC State. In it someone mentioned that they needed help moving some stuff with a truck and so I posted that I could be hired to do so. Since then I've been contacted by a few people about moving things and today I was hired to move a box spring. It went pretty well. The girl who hired me seemed to be really nice and even offered to help, despite paying me to do it.

After that my father and I went to the Reader's Corner in Raleigh and I bought a bunch of Mozart and Bach vinyl records for two bucks, so that was really cool. I REALLY love that bookstore. They are very well-priced and have an amazing selection. I highly recommend stopping by if you're in the NCSU/Raleigh area.

After I bought the records we went to Snoopy's and I got an amazing chicken salad sandwich. Their food is excellent. I don't usually like chicken salad, but theirs is so amazing that I forget that I don't! The fries are perfect too. Really crispy on the outside, but fluffy and full on the inside. I love that place.

On the way home we stopped by the Harley place and drooled over the beautiful bikes, and then looked at a few car lots for El Caminos. We didn't find any that were reasonably priced unfortunately, but we're still looking. Never give up!

Which reminds me of this video that you should watch if you ever get discouraged:

Jessie, my sister from another mister showed me that a while back and I thought it was very helpful when I felt discouraged.

We finally got home and I almost immediately had to leave for class. Before leaving for class I made some new tea that is supposed to be good for the stomach and Skyped Gillian while it was steeping. In class the "substitute teacher" today taught us art! It was actually really fun, even though I am AWFUL at art. We drew abstract pictures, so it was okay that I was bad. In fact, the class seemed to like mine the best, which I found really funny given that I'm so bad at art.

The second "teacher" today forgot that she was signed up for today for her lesson so we ended up ending class early since she wasn't ready. I honestly thought she'd signed up for Wednesday too, but I guess not. Oh well. Early dismissal is always fun!

I got home and mom is making fajitas. This makes me very very happy. Fajitas are amazing. So far I don't have much else to say, but if something particularly great happens before the day is over I'll update.

OH! I almost forgot to mention that Child's Play 4: The Bride of Chucky was HILARIOUS. Like, really really stupidly funny. I am excited to watch CP5: The Seed of Chucky later on, maybe tonight!


Sunday, October 12, 2014

October 12, 2014 - Campbell Trip

Today was a really really good day. This morning I woke up (then I went downtown. To look for a job...Please tell me you caught that reference.) and picked up Gillian. We went to Campbell University from her house to tutor her close friend and my good friend's sister, Courtney in Statistics!

Today was the first day since 2010 that I have even looked at any computational statistics, and lemme tell you, it felt great. I used to LOVE stats due to having the world's greatest teacher, Mr. McNulty. Every class I had with him was engaging, relevant, and made me leave the class wishing it was longer. Mr. McNulty was actually my physics teacher and was the one to inspire me to learn more physics in college. He ended up having to quit teaching because it was financially a better idea for him to do that, but he was a legend for sure and an inspiration to everyone who took his class.

Needless to say, Mr. McNulty's lessons stuck with me still through the years and when I was helping Courtney out, I only had to review for a few minutes before teaching the lessons again. It felt great to be doing stats again and really made me miss those classes. I'm also thinking I'm going to write a program in C to solve binomial experiments just for fun!

After that we went to the Quizno's on campus and to my disappointment they removed torpedoes from the menu. Regardless, the sandwich I ended up getting was AMAZING and Gillian really liked hers too, so it worked out well. We also ran into one of Gillian's teachers there and we talked for a bit.

After that we went to my place and told each other stories of our past and stuff. It was really nice sharing everything with each other. Gillian's a really good listener and I trust her with everything. Which says a lot. I have a hard time trusting anyone. There have been several times in my past where people I trusted with my life have screwed me over and backstabbed me, but Gillian is the most trustworthy person I know and for that I am extraordinarily grateful.

After that we drove back to her place and the whole way home we belted out show tunes from Little Shop of Horrors and RENT. God, am I lucky to have her in my life. I have never had anyone, much less someone I'm in a relationship with, who loves belting show tunes as much as I do. She really should see Chicago. I think she'd enjoy it. Also Rocky Horror Picture Show. She's not seen it. Can you believe that? What thespian hasn't seen Rocky Horror Picture Show????? DAMNIT JANET!!!!!!

Came home, had some soup and now I'm about to watch Child's Play 4: The Bride of Chucky. These movies are really stupid and not even remotely scary, but they're so stupid that they're funny, and I'm already half way through the series, so why not watch the rest?

Well, I reckon I'd better get back to the movie. I hope you all had an awesome day!
