Thursday, October 9, 2014

October 9, 2014 - Mom's Birthday!!!!

Today was my mom's birthday, so that's why I haven't already posted today's blog. I picked Gillian up from school today and we made Oreo Balls. They are amazing. Basically, all you do is throw a bag of Oreos and a container of cream cheese into a blender until they are blended well, and then melt white chocolate and dip the Oreo and cheese mix (that has been cooling in the fridge btw) into the melted white chocolate, cool them and voila! You have delicious Oreo balls!

When we got to the blending step, it was my job to blend them so I used our Ninja blender thing to do it and after it's all well-blended and I was about to let my hand off of the button, the Ninja stops by itself and I start to see smoke rolling out from the top part that has the motor. Oops. After waiting for it to cool off I tried to see if it would work and NOP! The motor is completely fried. (You had ONE JOB Trey, and you screwed it up!) Either way, the balls were heavenly and were totally worth breaking our Ninja for. I should have taken pictures of them to post! Crap! Maybe I will tomorrow...

As for presents, Gillian gave my mom some really nice colored pencils (and obviously the balls), I gave her a Neil Young collector's edition of the Rolling Stone magazine as well as a Neil Young album (she LOVES Neil Young. I'm not really a fan, but I know how much he means to her, and I could never judge someone for their love of music, even if it isn't my jam.)

Speaking of music, I'm more than half way done with my book now and it is so freaking good, it's indescribable. Really, if you haven't read it, you should. Like, right now go buy it and read it. I'll even give you the link to it on amazon here:

There. Now you have no excuse not to get it.

So do you remember how a few days back I mentioned my stomach issues? Well today they have been AWFUL. I have physically felt miserable all day and have barely been able to eat anything at all today. Now, I know what you're thinking. "But Trey, just a few minutes ago you were talking about how amazing Oreo balls are. Your stomach can't be THAT bad off!" Well, yeah. It IS that bad off. It felt bad before Oreo balls, and still felt bad after them. Some things are just worth feeling awful for, you know? Like eating all of that deep-fried garbage you get at fairs. You KNOW going into it that you're going to feel like shit later, but does that stop you from buying eight corndogs and two things of cotton candy? Hell no it doesn't. Or worse, those doughnut burgers. Yeah, you know exactly what I mean. Oreo balls are SO worth feeling awful for.

Anyway, I'm going to try to make some ramen or something to try to settle my stomach some, so with me luck.

OH! I almost forgot! I finalized the microphone placement and settings for the demo of my album, Falling Towers. I still haven't finished writing all of the songs, but I've decided that upon release of the album, I intend to include demo CDs with the first 118 of the final album, so that's pretty neat I think. Once the actual album goes into post production I'll probably have a thing set up somewhere to preorder it, so that'll be fun. I am very excited to put out my first album, so yeah. I should really get to working on it a bit more. As of now I only have five and a half songs for that one. I have a lot of singles that will eventually be put on albums of course too. I'm having a really hard time coming up with a name for my record label and for my band, so suggestions are always appreciated!

Today's blog post seems really really long so I guess I'll let you go here and talk to you some more tomorrow. I don't want these to get so long that you get bored reading them so yeah.


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