Wednesday, October 15, 2014

October 15, 2014 - Effective Teacher Certification!!!

I'm just going to pick up where I left off yesterday.

I realized I had eaten a whole pizza in a day and started freaking out about that fact. But then I remembered something. Mom made pie. Delicious, warm, sweet apple pie. I couldn't help myself and despite my anxiety, I got a piece anyway. I went upstairs to my desk where my phone was plugged in, as well as my headphones, and set down the pie on my desk. I realized that I'd need to get something to drink so I went downstairs for some Lemonade and as I got up, I managed to flip the plate of pie completely over, off of the desk onto the floor and it landed exactly as badly is it could have onto my phone (which fell at the same time) and onto my computer power cables. After a good long string of expletives, I went to go clean it up and guess what. No paper towels. I eventually found paper towels downstairs, got another piece of the now almost-gone pie, and cleaned up the mess, letting the dog get the smaller crumbs. She was happy about that.

I finished BSMoR last night and it was perfect. The ending was absolutely incredible and I wish I knew Roger in real life. I think we'd be bros. Through and through it is now in my top 5 favorites and I would recommend it to anyone at all who is not a child. (The book deals with some adult themes and uses a lot of profanity.) Easily 5 out of 5 stars.

I changed my mind about starting Wolf in a White Van immediately after BSMoR. I didn't want to read all of Darnielle's works back to back for fear of somehow growing tired of them. I don't think that would realistically happen, but I figured a break will just add to my excitement and anticipation, so instead I started Impulse by Ellen Hopkins. It's one of Gillian's favorites, so I figured I'd read it. The cover is pretty cool and the writing style is really unique and neat too, so I look forward to reading it.

So today was a really busy day. I woke up late so I had to rush to exercise and shower. Then I headed to my psychology appointment. We did more EMDR stuff, which is still very fascinating to me, and I explored the ending of each thought stream related or linked to my original first experience with needles, so that was neat too. We also talked more about music and religion.

After therapy, I had to get my lesson plan ready so that I could give my lesson today for class. I taught the Cartesian Coordinate System and read them a book on its invention. The lecture went really well and I enjoyed teaching and they seemed to enjoy the lesson too. A few of the women got my number afterwards so that I could tutor their children in math so I'm very much looking forward to that, and the teacher who is a principal at a school down the road told me after class that she'd stay in touch with me because she "want[s] to make sure [I] get a good job in education." I was very very flattered and am so so so excited to start actually working in a classroom environment.

I also dressed up to give my lesson and I don't have the best confidence in the world, but I looked pretty darn good today.

At this point I'm just really really tired. I didn't sleep well last night and I had a long day. It wasn't by any means a bad day, just long, so I'll probably go ahead and sign off. Goodnight everyone!


1 comment:

  1. I loved Impulse! In fact, Ellen Hopkins is one of my favourite authors- I've read all of her books in high school, and actually just started crack again. I remember recommending her to you a looooong long time ago! I think you'll enjoy it.
