Tuesday, October 7, 2014

October 7, 2014 - EMDR is Pretty Rad!

Hello! I am currently sitting at my computer about to have a Subway chocolate cookie because those are heavenly. Today was a good day. A very good day. Also busy.

First thing that happened was I woke up and started freaking out because I thought I had slept through my appointment with my psychologist (if you're reading this, hi!) but thankfully I still had a few hours before I was supposed to be there. I don't know if I've mentioned it before on here, but I have an anxiety disorder and get panic/anxiety attacks pretty frequently. Anyway, we started the first real session of a neat thing called EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing) where, if I understand correctly, by following a moving object with your eyes, your conscious brain stays in the present but it allows your subconscious to wander and sort of explore your memories and their links. (That cookie was amazing and there's another half of one in the bag...this is so tempting.) It's really neat and so far seems to have a lot of potential to be really helpful so fingers crossed!

Just before the appointment I had received the surprising news that Gillian's mom was going to let us get together today, so after my appointment I went to pick her up! This was really really exciting because it was the first time I've really got to spend with her since the wreck. It was great. I am convinced that although these cookies are amazing, it would be more accurate to say that heaven is, in reality, having her in my arms. Spending time with Gillian makes everything in the world 10 times better, so I am so grateful to have had the opportunity to see her today. (Yup, I couldn't resist. The other cookie is gone.)

Also, I don't remember if I mentioned it before, but the Chevy Malibu is pretty friggin' sweet to drive. It has a bunch of neat features and is very comfy.

After dropping Gillian back off at her house, I went to meet my family at Subway and had a pepperoni flatiza with green peppers and jalapenos. It was amazing. And now we're almost caught up with the present - I had one and a half delicious chocolate cookies and today has been a good day.

Another thing I just remembered about therapy: my psychologist mentioned that it seems to be that my brain actually stores memories in such a way that they are linked to music. That was pretty cool to hear. I mean, it makes sense, because I really love music and have been playing various instruments since I was like 6, but still it was really neat to hear that that's actually how my brain works.

Last night in Black Sabbath Master of Reality the main character was talking about the first song on the album, Sweet Leaf, and in the book he tells the reader (his therapist, Gary) to go put on the track while reading that journal entry (did I mention the whole book is a collection of journal entries?) so I went on my phone, found the song on YouTube and really got into the character of Gary while reading that section. It was an interactive book experience unlike any I've had before. Really, if you've not heard of John Darnielle or haven't read his books or heard his music, you are missing out in life. I genuinely feel sorry for you, because that man is amazing at what he does. So yeah, Sweet Leaf was great, and it made me miss my early teen years of listening to Black Sabbath all the time. I think I'll start listening to them more again. They're a great band.

DAMNIT! I just realized that my ex has my Black Sabbath shirt! Damnit!!!!! I let her have it because that's the thing people do in relationships and when we broke up I forgot all about it but damnit!!! I need another Black Sabbath shirt...

Anyway, this blog post is pretty long so I guess I'll stop here. Tomorrow's should be really exciting because I have class which is kind of the highlight of my week, so yeah. That'll be great. Well, I'm off to go waste time on social media, video games, and then not wasting time on reading more BSMoR so take care you guys.


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